Friday, May 24, 2013

Thursday, May 23rd

On Thursday the Hope group continued our work cleaning a warehouse full of various charity items by transferring what was usable to the new warehouse and trashing unusable materials.  After working we went bowling which was fun...

We helped out the Hope crew by moving things from their old warehouse
into their new warehouse. We took multiple trips and worked as a team
in order to bring doors, windows, and much more. We even built a shelf
in the new warehouse and learned how to use nail guns! At night we went bowling, and had a lot of fun.

Danny Nielsen:
Today was far and away the most intense day of work. After a decent night of sleep (albeit one slightly disturbed by the presence of cockroaches in our room), the Habitat crew piled into our two minivans and got on the road.  After a thirty minute drive we arrived at the construction site, which, much to my elation, was a legitimate construction site, not a house we needed to weatherize. After listening to a safety talk, we strapped on our helmets and got to work. Jai, Lauren, and I volunteered to go to the roof.  Because I have the best balance (or perhaps just the least regard for my personal comfort and safety) I volunteered to climb the wall and walk balance-beam style on 2x4's, nailing loose boards down. After about 5
hours of working, we got back into the vans and went home. We immediately had to go and listen to an incredibly opinionated speaker, which i'd say was the low point of the day. After she finished speaking we ate a spaghetti dinner, then went to the bowling alley for an intense night of bowling. I won my lane all three times, and we enjoyed pizza and other snacks. We went home, and some of us went to the beach, and made art in the sand. It was easily my favorite day of the trip.

The Habitat group putting up a roof!

Definitely a big teamwork test - those beams were heavy!

 Josh doing his best Bob the Builder impression.

Reporting from the Habitat Crew, we had to leave earlier than usual as our new build site was a significantly greater distance than our previous ones, however when we arrived it was easy to see what our tasks would be.  The site consisted of an unfinished house with scaffolding surrounding the vast majority of it, and large pieces of what would soon become part of the roof. Before we could get the roof on the house, we needed to finish the scaffolding, as we would need a lot of room to bring up the roof. When we finished the scaffolding, a few of us (Lauren, Josh, Mr.
McCarron, and I) helped push the roof across the top of the house, while Danny and Nolan (a Habitat worker) bravely stood on the top of the house and pulled across the trusses (parts of the roof) After a grueling time in the hot sun, we all took a break and drove to a local beach park, where Ms. Heninger and the Americorps workers surprised us with Corndogs from Sonic. While at the park, Zoe and
Maris took a walk along the boardwalk and witnessed a shark getting
caught. When we returned to the site, we finished the day by securing the
screws on the main floor and wrapping the house in Tyvek.

 Lauren getting experience with power tools.

Danny Copeland, Kyle and George man the saw.

Could they pass for real construction workers?

Danny Nielsen, our resident acrobat (he's on a 2nd story roof here!)

Can't beat 50-cent Corndogs from Sonic! 

Zoe holding a freshly-caught shark!

Maris and a shark having an eventful lunch break on the pier.

A Katrina memorial in the park where we ate lunch.  The waves mark the water level at the time.

Everybody ended our day with a pizza and bowling night out at Island Strikz!

 Turns out McCarron is a bowling best - with a score in the 190s!  Close runner up - Mitch Goldberg with a 188.

Phil pumped up on the lanes...

Amy-Rose celebrating the switch to glow in the dark bowl at 9pm.

Bulldogs bowling

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